RISC accepts invitation to speak at LibDems Spring Conference - will other parties follow? Conference

Jeremy was invited to speak on behalf of RISC at a fringe meeting at the LibDem Spring Conference in Brighton on the topic "Religious Discrimination in Schools: a Half-Term Report".

The other speakers were Professor Ted Cantle, author of the official report on the Oldham Riots, founder of the Institute of Community Cohesion and a government adviser, and John Howson, Vice Chair of the LibDem Education Association. 

The meeting was organised by Humanist & Secularist Liberal Democrats, but was attended by people from a mix of backgrounds.

Jeremy's main message was the importance of separating religious discrimination in school admissions from the wider arguments for and against faith schools.  The need to remove religious discrimination was simply a question of fairness. It would not threaten the existence of faith schools - many already have fully inclusive admissions.

Follow the links to read the full text of:

We're look forward to similar invitations from the other main parties!